Thinking Big About Your Life

In our busy, adult world, we are constantly faced with daily frustrations. We struggle through life looking for the answers which will lead us to happiness. One truth we often ignore is that the answers can be learned from our children. Children have many beautiful qualities and they know how to imagine.

They have their whole life in front of them and they dream big dreams. We as parents, teachers, coaches and etc tell them that they can be anything they want to be when they grow up. They pretend they have it all. They only have to wait their time to make their dreams come true.

We all can dream big dreams and think big thoughts. We just have to use our imagination. It is sad to think about how we often forget to think big about ourselves and our lives. Are you making your dreams a reality? If not, what happened? We can blame it on our situations, we can blame other people, but the truth is that we are the only one who can stand in the way of our dreams. Hopefully, this is a liberating statement.

It is also never too late to think big. We have nothing to lose to think big. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by thinking big about ourselves. So stretch your imagination and look beyond once believed limitations. We have the rest of our lives in front of us. With this in mind, we need to let go of past fears and negative experiences.

We can have or do whatever we like. Can you imagine yourself as someone who is making a contribution to life? How big can you think? What kind of things would you like to do? It is important for us to realize that our lives do count, that we do have a purpose and that we do make a contribution. If you can already see yourself as an important factor, look even bigger. Think Bigger About Yourself. If we are not fulfilled by our life then we must stretch our thinking about ourselves. Once this pattern gets started, we will get all kinds of fresh, creative ideas about ourselves and our lives.

Our inner beauty and self esteem will begin to shine. Our lives are made up of the things we have thought about. Our dreams can become a reality so make sure that the thoughts and dreams are big enough. How big can you think?.

Mark Webb is the author of How To Be a Great Partner and founder of Partner Focused Relationships?. Sign up for Mark Webbs Relationship Strategies Ezine ($100 value). Just visit his website at or

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